Dear Mr. Wheeler – Thank you for the Stinky Stevens books. I read them all in the first two days because they were so good. I think Book 3 is the funniest. Drew, age 9

When asked what the Stinky Stevens books are all about, Ron Wheeler said,

“They are about cartoon characters who know the real truth about their world. That is, there is an all powerful, caring cartoonist out there (that’s me) who created everything … yet rarely does what anyone expects. You know, it’s sort of like real life. It’s hilarious. It’s inspirational. Trust me. I’m the cartoonist. I wrote it. Your kids will love it. That’s all you need to know. You’ll just have to read these books if you want to find out for yourself.”

Or … you can check out the information below:

Stinky Stevens – Book 3

Excerpt from Book 1

Excerpt from Book 3

Stinky Stevens – Book 1

Stinky Stevens – Book 2

Excerpt from Book 2

Excerpt from Book 4