Stinky Stevens started out as a comic strip, became a children’s book series, and may eventually even become a comic book. Whatever the format, the concept is the same: Stinky is one of the few in the story who knows the real truth about life … that is, everyone in his world is a cartoon character drawn by an all-powerful cartoonist with a seemingly warped sense of humor. The cartoonist does have a plan, at least Stinky thinks he does, but he never seems to do what anyone expects … sort of like real life.

Main Characters

Stinky Stevens: Stinky is the hero of the story. We see life unfold primarily through his eyes. He wants to do good, but is often frustrated by the actions (or inactions) of others, especially his sister Natalie’s stuffed animals.

The Cartoonist: He is somewhat of a mystery. We never really get to see the cartoonist. We just see his effect on Stinky’s world. Occasionally we do get to see him working as a pencil coming in from off the page, but most of the time his presence is felt through the characters making guesses about what he’s doing or planning to do.

Natalie: She’s the conscience and heart of the story. Unlike Stinky, she has a deep love for her stuffed animals and deep desire for everyone to do the right thing. She, like Stinky, knows that there is a cartoonist out there that is controlling everything.

The Stuffed Animals: Natalie’s stuffed animals are enlightened to the truth about the cartoonist as well, but spend more time bickering about what they think the cartoonist is doing rather than actually doing anything at all. In fact, they go limp whenever they are around anyone they suspect doesn’t believe the same way as they do. Any resemblance between these characters and the slumbering church in America is purely intentional. There are five stuffed animal characters. Here are their names and descriptions …

Superbear: He’s heroic (at least he tries to be) yet very sensitive and caring. He can’t stand conflict, so he spends a lot of energy trying to help others to get along.

Mr. Bunn: He fashions himself to be an intellect, but doesn’t want to get involved in others’ problems. His favorite line is, “My role is to study deep theological truths from a safe distance.”

Raggedy: She’s the smallest of the stuffed animals and has a chip on her shoulder because of it. She’s often sarcastic to everyone, and even has a special antipathy toward Trixie, the one-armed doll because of Trixie’s ruinous life of vanity.

Trixie: She’s the one-armed doll Natalie found in the gutter. She’s her favorite (which drives Raggedy crazy) in spite of her present condition after a long life of living in the fast lane. The cartoonist is clearly working on developing humility in her by never redrawing her arm.

Horsey: Horsey doesn’t say much mostly because he has nothing to say. He’s shallow and he knows it. So do the others, and they all try to manipulate Horsey into taking their side.

Support Characters

Aunt Smoochie-kiss, a domineering relative who is floundering a bit in trying to find her way in life. She likes to say, “bless your heart” just before she insults someone. Her twin grandchildren, Trevor and Tracy, are terrors around Natalie’s stuffed animals.

Biff is a classmate of Stinky’s who is a pure bully. That said, he has admitted to noticing the cartoonist but can’t bring himself to accept the truth about his existence yet.

Blake is another classmate of Stinky who thinks he’s a nut for believing in a cartoonist creator. That said, he doesn’t let it stand in the way of being Stinky’s best friend.

The parents of Stinky and Natalie are supportive and encouraging, but like all the support characters, they don’t believe in the cartoonist either.

David Dastardly is an evil character in Stinky’s own comic book creations who comes to life in certain situations to wreak havoc in Stinky’s world.