With 75 million of Ron Wheeler’s Cartoon Tracts sold, the likelihood of finding them being distributed all over the planet is great. One friend of Ron’s commented that he found one on the bathroom floor in Milan Italy’s airport. The picture below shows how they were used in a tribal village in Africa.

A few years back, Ron had an opportunity to share his testimony throughout the Pacific Rim. When a few Aussies heard he was coming to their area, they traveled several miles to camp on the lawn of the church where Ron was scheduled to speak the next morning. They had been distributing hundreds of Ron’s cartoon tracts in the streets of Sydney and relished the opportunity to meet Ron personally and thank him for his work at helping to spread the gospel. This video is Dan’s testimonial.

Pastor Jim Zidan says he’s Ron Wheeler’s biggest fan. In this short clip he shares his love for Ron’s cartoon tracts and describes how effective they are for furthering God’s Kingdom. If you have never used a cartoon tract to share the gospel message, or if you don’t even know what a cartoon tract is, you need to watch this video. Jim explains it all in this testimonial tribute to Ron and his work.

Learn more about Ron Wheeler and what he does for the Lord through his cartooning ministry from this local TV news clip. In the interview, the news reporter asks Ron for his perspective on the Paris cartoonists shooting in 2015. Ron believes that if someone doesn’t like what he draws, being taken down by terrorists will have the opposite effect they intend. It is only going to make his work more popular and his Christian message through his tracts will spread further.

These are not isolated cases. If you have never considered using Ron’s cartoon tracts to communicate the gospel message to your friends, coworkers, classmates and relatives, maybe now is a good time to start. The vast majority of people who receive these humorous yet poignant pamphlets do so gleefully.

The following are some of tributes people have sent Ron’s way over the years:

• “Hi, Ron…Just wanted to say “Hi” and thanks for your work for Christ and His gospel. I just called to ask you about, “Are You Looking For God/Something?”…it’s been of my favorite tracts, and I’m sorry it’s out of print. I think it holds a special place in my heart because that little tract helped me get saved in 1997/1998. I found it in the restroom of a Barnes and Noble bookstore in Las Vegas…I had just pulled into town and I was looking for some sinful spots to spend my vacation. When I read the tract, I thought that maybe I wasn’t looking for debauchery after all, and I picked up a very safe, liberal paperback about the life of Jesus. There was no way I was going to actually read a Bible at that point, but I was started on the path toward Him on that day.”

“Many months later, when God drew me to read the actual Gospels in His book, I instantly saw that He was real, and that He is the only way to Life. That was January 12, 1998, and I will be eternally grateful to Him. I thought you might like to know how your work reaches the lost and glorifies Jesus.”

“By the way, I make my living as a cartoonist (mostly for Nickelodeon…SpongeBob, etc.)—and I really admire your work from a professional point of view as well! Great stuff! I just placed an order from your website for some of my other favorite tracts, like “Don’t Open This Card” and “Then What?” (as part of a bundle). Kudos on the website design…it’s really user-friendly.”

“Keep up the great work!” Paul Sherman Cohen

• Ron does wonderfull work! I came across the site quite by accidental net surfing. I have enjoyed the Jack Chick tracts, but am sold on Ron’s version of color and his cartoon tract ministry is refreshing. God Bless you brother. I was even honored to chat with Ron yesterday when placing an order of his tracts to handout. As I tell folks I’m just a plain old Christian who happens to go to a Baptist Church. Not Bill Clintons church :o)
In His Service— Mike

• “Praise God for your wonderful tracts. I leave them when I leave a tip in a restaraunt (I put the tip in the tract). But I most especially love the comic book style one. They are great when trying to minister to the children or youth. May the Lord richly bless all that are involved in the making of these helpful tools!” Angela Cordero

• “I have been using your tracts for over 5 years to help evangelize and disciple the youth at the Juvenile Detention Center in San Antonio, Texas. Of all the different aids I use to communicate, your comic tracts produce the most consistent acceptance and teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The kids really really love them. I have probably given out more than 5,000 copies of your tract ‘The Judge’ alone. It is the single most effective piece of work in telling the gospel to these kids that I have found. I want you to know that hundreds, perhaps thousands (no way to know for sure) of these juveniles have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior.” Mike Gahan

• “Ron…I am so excited that I came across your site via Cybergrace!!!! We have a Restaurant and use your tracts all the time! We have 2 tract racks by the door and people love your cartoon tracts.” Jill Mickelson

• “I really enjoy your cartoons! They are a great tool in evangelizing people in a bit of a different way. I especially love the tract you have entitled Have You Stopped? When talking to people who do not know Christ they make the excuse of saying that someone did this and someone did that, and I have never known what to respond. I always responded that we should only look to Jesus not man. But with this tract it helped me see a different way of approaching the matter. God Bless You!” Shirley Velardo

• “Hi, I am 40 yrs old and have been saved 10 yrs. The church I joined had a program of witnessing on the street/main square of our city (pop. 350,000) every friday night. When I started going out we use Chick tracts and any other text only material. It was disappointing to see them sometimes blowing down the street later on. When we found your style of cartoon tracts, no one ever threw them away!!

“I still use them to give to my hairdresser, kids at school, my 7 yr old shares them with his class too!!

“I thought you might like to know that your ministry is having a big impact even to the ends of the earth.” Stephen Visser, Christchurch, New Zealand

• “Hi Ron! I read ‘Then What’ at a Bible Bookstore a couple weeks ago, and was so impressed I was telling every Christian friend and family I could about it, reciting it by heart, because the store didn’t have any for me to buy accept in Spanish (which I don’t speak). I bought several because we do have alot of Spanish speaking people in our area. Then today one of my friend’s saw the website on the back of the tract, and I looked at the website and found ‘Then What.’ I was very happy to find it again (in English)! I think it is one of the best I have ever read….very memorable, which is very important!

“I am a believer, and an artist. I have never done cartoons though, but a close friend and I are always passing out tracts and noticing in particular how well they are done and how well the point… which is God’s message, is presented. We think yours are excellent. We also feel that God may be leading us to be involved in some way with tracts. We are praying about it, and waiting on His direction. I just wanted to tell you how much I like your work, and I know God’s message is being presented in your tracts in the way I feel is pleasing to Him, and people seem to like the tract, and not just throw them aside. Thank You for obeying God in what He wants for you to do! God Bless You and Your Family!”
Sincerely Your Sister In Christ, Lynn

• “I am 33 yrs. old. When I was 15 I got off the 7 train at Main Street Flushing, Queens, and someone handed me one of your tracts, ‘The Light’. I read it over and over the whole way home on the Q15 bus. I didn’t quite understand but couldn’t stop reading it. To make a long story short, I ended up getting saved when I was 18. Another friend led me to the Lord. But I know God used your tract to plant a serious seed and really make me think…to this day I remember much of the tract, and though I have seen many tracts over the years, it surprises me that this is the one that after so many years still stands out in my mind. I have been wondering where to get tracts like yours for a long time, and now that I have found your web-site, I will definitely be ordering some. Thank you for your part in my salvation and keep serving the Lord!”
Sincerely, Barbara Jacobini

• “I am from Brazil and I’d like to share with you something that happened here in my city (Anapolis-GO) to a girl after my wife (Cristiane) gave her a sheet of paper containing one of your cartoons (Heaven’s Gate).

“The girl is a teacher in the school where my wife is learning the English language, and as soon as she got that sheet of paper she kept herself alone for a while and then she finally spoke up: “Amazing Cris I had never understood this message of the Bible, it is so clear to me that I want this paper to show to my friend Marina (the owner of the school)”.

“The fact is, my wife and I are Christians and we had preached the word of God to that girl before and prayed for her to have a meeting with God, to have her eyes opened. And now she has been touched [as she herself defined her feeling at that moment] with your cartoon.

“She said she’ll go at the church in the weekend.

“It seemed to me you would like to hear this, and I want to encourage you to keep doing this, for when you are in Heaven’s Gate, God will say to you: You have gathered a lot more than you can even imagine.

“May God bless you, Ron.” Messias B. Simon

• “Since the very first time that I saw your tracts I have fallen in love with your work. I am currently a taxi driver in Canada and the people that I deal with hate tacky stuff. Their attention is drawn to yours immediately because they are both funny, and they are a piece of classy work. I won’t use any other tract now. I like the way that teens are attracted like a magnet to them. I only wish that the Christian book stores here carried them. But the sad fact is that most have never heard of them. I would like to be a distributor of them here if there were a way to make a living too. However, it would be enough if I could buy them in any c.b.s.

“The fact that your tracts are the most professional and also the lightest, means that they are easiest to use. Humor is by far the most effective way to the attention of a person in need of Jesus. There are enough groups bringing fear and condemnation on anyone that they can. I don’t believe that fear brings love for God. And as I recall, Jesus only brought harsh words against the religious leaders who taught the people things that God never sanctioned.

“I love your art and the gift of God in you to do them. Great job Ron!!!!!!!!” Mike Summers (itinerate evangelist)

• “(The orchestra swells…) This is actually the first internet guestbook I’ve ever signed, though I’ve surfed (along with my computer-savy husband/kids for years.

“Why write to you? Well, we used to drive up to Garland to the American Tract Society and load up on tracts to distribute — and yours has always been an absolute delight to find! Your little cartoons with the gospel punch grabbed and kept our attention (and those who received them) time and time again. THANKS, Ron, for making the message of Jesus Christ and His Salvation fun, fascinating, and …in cartoon form!! We live in an age of the short attention span. (Don’t blink!) Glad to know the Lord can bless ….quickly!

“Your cartoons ARE so —likable, and convicting. I like the Judge, and the 2 sons, and well, all of them. I like the fact that they are hit the target and don’t take long to get there! I wish I’d had access to good tracts like yours earlier in my life. Looking back on my unsaved-but-going-to-church days, I think they should have greeted each person entering with at least a Bible AND a ‘Plain English/Christian-ese’ dictionary! Maybe I would have given my life to Christ sooner instead of merely feeling sorry that the Lamb had to die on the cross for me (whatever that meant). You have no idea how appreciated YOUR simple conveyance of the gospel is!

“Ron, one of my fondest memories connected with your cartoon tracts is when my youngest daughter, Heidi, was a toddler. She’d go up to Grandma, who was not yet a believer, climb on her lap with a whole STACK of tracts she’d picked out, snuggle in and say, ‘Grandma, read this to me!’ So Grandma would. Then Heidi would produce the NEXT tract and say, ‘Now read this one to me…’ and on it’d go till Grandma had read through the entire stack. This happened fairly often. (Some Grandma’s will do anything for a grandchild.) My mother did come to the Lord a few years later. I know that reading those cartoons, ostensibly to Heidi, made an impact.

“Another time that stands out was when I was able to give a bunch of varied tracts to a couple (unbelievers) who were on their way to visit a sick friend in the hospital. I asked them to look through them for me and leave which ones they thought were the most appropriate and encouraging. They seemed pleased to honor that request! Happily, God’s Word bears fruit, whether we’re around to see it… or not. ‘One plants, another waters… but God gives the increase.’

“Well, I’ve bent your ear, er –EYE, long enough. Thanks and I’ll continue to pray for you and God’s message in cartoon form. Wow! What a blessing! ” In Christ, K. Balatoni

• “I really enjoyed those cartoon stories. It was kind of weird because about a week ago I had asked God to send someone to help me understand that I need to go back and start a new relationship with him.While I was trying to look up information for a school project your stories popped out of nowhere. I was going to click out of it but something told me not to.The one I liked the most was The Light, it got me thinking about the rapture and how I wouldn’t like to get left behind.I really think that was a knock on the door from God and I thank you for the wonderful stories and talent God has given you and for the courage you have to use it.” Erica Diaz

• “I gave out a lot of your tracts called ‘Don’t open this card’ at our Greer Family Festival. I could tell they were a big hit! I have been placing them in the restrooms at work too. I really appreciate tracts since it was through one that I came to know Jesus Christ. I was an atheist. I picked up the Good News Bible at a Days Inn in ’82. Its simple illustrations spoke to me. Then I found a tract at a Dunkin Donuts shop in New Castle Delaware. It was about the Great White Throne Judgement. Some people just don’t respond to witnessing. It’s no wonder in this sell, sell, sell world we live in. But if they can sit down and ponder some little tract, God can work powerfully through that. Nobody hit me over the head with a bible or said you must be saved. I didn’t know anything about that, like I know now. But still Jesus accepted my apology for not believing in Him and saved me. Then in ’86 he brought a lady into my life that discipled me and showed me what the Christian life was all about. She is my wife now.

“Do I believe in tracts…I sure do! Keep up the good work Ron!” John LaCourse

• “I will never forget the cartoon tract ‘Where is your Trust?’ That first caption of the car going off a cliff and the character saying he’s sure glad he has his seatbelt on is priceless! It sums up the human condition in one instant!

“I just started working in a crisis pregnancy center and many of our clients are teens. I just know the Lord is going to use your tracts in a mighty way!

“Thank you for using your talents to glorify God and further His kingdom. May He continue to pour out His blessings upon your life, family and ministry as you seek His face and His will.” Wendie Manly, Clearwater, Fl

• “Wow! These tracts are awesome! They have a great and very important message, with a lot of humor. Though there is humor, the message is very clear. ‘Jeremiah’ is also very funny, and encouraging seeing the fellowship between then. That’s so cool that you’re using the gifts and talents God gave you to glorify Him. Continue serving our Lord Jesus!!!” Lee Chang, Stevens Point, WI

• “You’ve probably heard this a thousand times, but, — I was to teach in a Community Church VBS setting. I was not really pleased because the cirriculum, though Bible based, didn’t seem to present the gospel clearly. A couple of days before the beginning day, I visited the Bible Book store in town and picked up some of your tracts. I couldn’t get enough of one kind for the whole (expected) class. The first day I held one up and just began to read it out loud (The Word). The boy immediately in front of me said, ‘Can I have that?’ I explained I didn’t have enough for everyone, and continued reading. Later I was sorry I hadn’t let him take it after class.

“However, the last day, after talking about Christ several times during the week. I just laid the bundle on the table and read out loud from ‘What’s after Life?’ I told all the kids they were welcome to whatever I had laid out. The tracts were all gone in seconds. These were 10 year olds, mainly boys, who knew these were tracts about Christ. At least half of these kids don’t go to church or read the Bible. Thanks for letting the Lord use you in this way.” An undercover Gospel teacher