is only able to offer downloadable products at this time.

If you would like to order printed versions of all of Ron Wheeler’s tracts you can visit Moments With The Book ( They can provide paper versions of all of Ron’s tracts.

Simply go to and type the title of the tract you want into the Search box and you will be able to order your tracts from there.

Some of these paper tracts are pre-printed, yet many are sold on a print-on-demand (POD) basis. POD means the tracts are not printed until you place your order. Thus, they may be relatively expensive for small quantities … but at least paper versions of ALL of Ron’s tracts are available to order.

However, when you do this, we ask one small favor. Before you leave our site, if you’ve never ordered anything from us before, please register to set up an account. This is the only way we will be able to stay in touch with you regarding additions to our tract site, free items, and special deals.

If you do purchase paper versions of Ron’s tracts from, you might also consider purchasing the digital version of your favorite tract as well. That way you will have your favorite tract available for sharing in a variety of ways. For example, you might want to project the digital version onto a big screen at a youth rally or a revival. Then to reinforce the message, hand out the paper versions as people leave.

Finally, with 75 million tracts sold, Ron Wheeler’s Cartoon Tracts have made a huge impact for the Kingdom of God over the last four decades.

Would you consider making a tax-deductible donation to keep this ministry going for a new generation of potential believers? Now that the original publishers of Ron’s tracts are no longer operational or available to publish these tracts, (with help from Moments With The Book) is the only place where you can find this valuable resource. Your partnership in helping to expand this ministry is very much needed and appreciated.