01) Course Overview (11 min)

This video provides a more detailed look at what Ron has to offer. He doesn’t just teach cartooning, but he shows you his life and includes all that goes into making what he does a ministry as well as a career.

02) Ron’s Work (14 min)

Ron flips through some samples of his humor illustration work … giving commentary of what went into creating each drawing.

03) How Ron Became a Cartoonist (38 min)

Ron tells the miraculous story of how he became a full-time freelance cartoonist the day after he committed his life to Christ. He shares how the Lord called him to create cartoons to be a communication vehicle for spreading God’s truths. It is a story Ron has shared in countless places all over the globe. Ron goes into dramatic detail here that he doesn’t normally include in other presentations of this story.

04) How to Draw Stinky Stevens (8 min)

Ron shows you very practical steps for how you can draw his popular cartoon character, Stinky Stevens. You will learn how to draw his full figure starting with a basic frame and adding shapes. And, you will also learn how to create simple Stinky Stevens facial expressions using a few simple strokes on some oval shapes.

05) Tools of the Trade – Old School (15 min)

Some of the old ways of creating cartoons are still the best ways. Ron demonstrates the tools and techniques he used as he learned to draw growing up and how those methods have evolved over the years.

06) Tools of the Trade – New School (14 min)

It’s a great time to be alive in the world of cartooning from a technology standpoint. Ron draws directly onto the computer with a Wacom Cintiq monitor tablet and sends out his art electronically. Ron walks you through some of the tools that can really enhance your drawing style and creative abilities.

07) Faces, Faces and More Faces! (13 min)

If you can’t draw a facial expression it’s hard to be a cartoonist. Being able to communicate emotions is at the heart of successful cartooning. Ron shows a fun way to learn how. It’s a perfect activity for teachers to use in their classrooms.

08) Faces with “Two Dots” (5 min)

Ron created this brief animation to show a multitude of facial expressions created around two simple dots. It’s pure fun … but educational as well.

09) How to Draw a Dancing Bear (17 min)

Here’s a basic drawing exercise that anyone of any age can do. You start with the basic frame of the animal or person you want to draw. Then through a series of layers using tracing paper (or layers in Photoshop on the computer), you add shapes and refinements until you get the finished character you want. It’s easy. 

10) The Importance of Tracing (8 min)

Emulating other people’s work is part of developing your own style. Growing up, Ron would often put tracing paper over drawings he liked, and he redrew them with his own hand. Ron shows how this tracing gave him a way to “see” with his hands as well as with his eyes, and he learned from the work of others.

11) The Value of Drawing Games (14 min)

Just like doing fun drills helps you learn the skills of a sport, drawing games makes drawing more fun … and there’s no better way to learn to draw than to draw, draw, draw. Drawing games gives you the drawing experience to become a better artist. This video is great for teachers to use in their classrooms as well as for students to play with their friends.

12) Working with Color (16 min)

Here’s a video that can give you an understanding of some of the basics of using color. “What part do I color first?” “Which colors do I use?” “How do I apply and blend colors?” … are some of the questions this video will answer. Ron shows how using color is foundational to creating great humor illustrations.

13) Digital Illustration–Sketch Stage (7 min)

Whether working directly on a computer or drawing on paper, the starting point for any illustration is the creation of a rough sketch. Ron shows a video recording of a complex digital illustration he created for a client and gives his teaching on how it was created. On this video he starts with the idea and works through the creation of a rough sketch.

14) Digital Illustration–Final Black Line (7 min)

Ron continues his commentary of the digital illustration he recorded by showing how he created the finished black outline of the drawing.

15) Digital Illustration–Adding Color (13 min)

There is a certain way color should be added to any illustration. Ron gives a comprehensive explanation of how he colored this digital illustration as the recording of the process continues to unfold.

16) Digital Illustration–Finishing Touches (8 min)

This is the final segment of Ron’s commentary regarding the creation of his digital illustration, yet it’s perhaps the most crucial. Too often young artists become impatient with their work and they give up on it too early, when putting just a little more time into it can make all the difference between a good illustration and a great one.

17) Digital Illustration-Extra Example 1 (10 min)

Here is another example of Ron going through all the steps of how he creates a digital illustration, with a little different style this time. You can do the same, whether on the computer or with several sheets of tracing paper. 

18) Digital Illustration-Extra Example 2 (10 min)

This is the companion illustration that goes along with the first Extra Example. Ron gives even more details as he walks you through the steps of how he creates his illustrations. Each one is unique.

19) Working with Clay–Molding (17 min)

Ron explains and shows how modeling clay can be a great tool for learning how to draw. 

20) Working with Clay–Drawing (8 min)

Once you’ve completed your clay figure, drawing it from different angles gives you an ability to thoroughly know your character. This comes in handy when creating comic strips and children’s books. Ron teaches you how to use your clay figure to draw a character in a variety of scenes and poses; yet make it look like the same person each time.

21) Creating “Stinky Stevens” Books (21 min)

This children’s book series is a culmination of many years of Ron’s work. Ron shows you how the series was created and how you can create your own series.

22) Creating Single Panel Cartoons (18 min)

Single panel cartoons are a great way to get your feet wet in cartooning. Anyone can do them with the right instruction. There’s always a market for them somewhere. 

23) Creating Comic Strips (23 min)

Nothing reflects Ron’s heart more than creating comic strips. Characters and their worlds come alive through this genre. Ron’s had plenty of experience in this arena and can show you what goes into making a successful strip.

24) The Business Aspect of Cartooning 1 (8 min)

Not everyone who loves to cartoon should do this for a living, but if that is your calling, Ron shares some of the secrets as to what to expect … along with a lot of wisdom born out of his many years of doing this for a living.

25) The Business Aspect of Cartooning 2 (7 min)

Based on his own personal experiences of being a full time freelance cartoonist since 1980, Ron shows you in this video what he does to market his work, and how he has had to adapt as the industry changes.

26) Creating Simple Animation (12 min)

In adapting to the changing needs of his audience, Ron has learned a simple, economical, yet powerfully effective way to create animation that has opened up new doors for his work and he shares it all with you in this video. 

27) Creating Cartoon Tracts (11 min)

Ron’s calling from the Lord is to create cartoons to be a communication vehicle for spreading God’s Truths. Never is that more evident in Ron’s work than in the creation of over 50 million copies of the Gospel oriented cartoon tracts. In this video learn from Ron how God can use you in the same way. 

28) Tract Examples (17 min)

Ron gives great detail about his cartoon tracts and shows what makes them effective for presenting the Gospel message in a non-threatening way.

29) Tract Testimonials (11 min)

These tracts have changed lives all over the world. The point of this video is to show how when you give your gifts fully to the Lord, He will use them for His glory in ways you cannot imagine.

30) The Ministry Aspect of Cartooning (22 min)

Ron believes that if you put your heart into what you do, your work will reflect what’s in your heart. He also holds this calling of his with an open hand, and trusts that the Lord will open and shut doors according to his plan. In this video Ron shares stories of how God has worked through this ministry/career that are applicable to every student, no matter what dream they plan to pursue. God has gifted each of you with unique skills and abilities. He will use those gifts for His glory when you give yourself fully to Him.

31) Blooper Reel (2 min)

This segment has absolutely no merit whatsoever … except that it’s just plain fun.