While on a two-month mission trip through the Pacific Rim in 2014, Ron Wheeler taught cartooning and shared his miraculous salvation story. He spoke two dozen times in five countries as well as met individually with several people along the way.

During this time, Ron learned that although his cartoon tracts were effective at spreading the gospel in the US, their Western humor could be limiting overseas. After much prayer, reflection, and counsel, Ron committed himself to creating a cartoon gospel tract that would present the love of Jesus for any people group, any culture, any language, and be usable in any country. One year later, what resulted was the Wordless Message animation. It is a compelling 4½ minute animation that wordlessly shares the most important message ever told.

The purpose of the Wordless Message is to help Christians complete the Great Commission … “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I (Jesus) have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20).

To maximize its usage, Ron decided to make it available FREE for anyone to watch at any time, anywhere. It can be used by missionaries to show the love of Jesus to unreached people groups in remote areas as well as by children’s directors to share the same message in an American vacation Bible school class. It can be passed from student to student on a college campus as well as distributed by cell phone in a restricted access country. It can be downloaded and projected onto a large screen for a Sunday school class, church service, or an evangelism event.

Feel free to pass it on to others, so they may enjoy and benefit from this story as well!*

Because he has made the Wordless Message FREE for all to use, please consider helping Ron’s efforts by making a tax-deductible donation to this ministry. This will help to offset Ron’s expenses of time, equipment, and materials. Any help you give would be greatly appreciated. Let’s help keep this ministry growing!

*Permission Restrictions:

You may republish the Wordless Message animation along with these accompanying documents without added permission, but we ask that you don’t alter, add to, or eliminate any of the material on this animation and accompanying documents, and we ask that you don’t sell this animation and accompanying documents as separate items apart from the package of materials you are publishing. Please give attribution to Ron Wheeler at Cartoonworks.com.