August 29, 2022

Ron, how did you become a cartoonist?

That is the most frequent question I have ever been asked. I used to get tired of answering it. I would sometimes skirt around what I did for a living in conversations with people I didn’t know. Once people found out I was a cartoonist, for me, the conversation would stop. I’d have to repeat the same stories I had shared hundreds of times before … and I would have to put aside whatever curiosity I had about the person I was talking to.

Finally, I realized I have the perfect opportunity to share my faith story with someone who may not have a personal relationship with Jesus. You see, how I became a cartoonist miraculously coincides with how I became a follower of Christ. I even prepared a PowerPoint presentation of my story. Then God began opening doors for me to share this miracle story before church groups and other gatherings.

In fact, a few years ago, the Lord opened a two-month mission trip for Cindy and me to travel 27,000 miles (the earth’s circumference is only 25,000 miles) throughout the Pacific Rim. I shared this story two dozen times in Christian schools, church services, Bible studies, mission organizations, and even in two animation schools. It was an amazing experience.

Most recently, God opened the door for me to put this story into a cartoon tract. I call it “Are You Creative?” I pass it out everywhere I go. I tell people, “You know, everyone has a story, and here is mine.” Almost everyone receives it with great eagerness. (This helps me understand why my line of cartoon tracts have done so well over the years. People are drawn to the bright colors, the humor, and the fun characters. Tens of millions of these tracts have been sold.)

So, if you’re interested in knowing my story … you can read it below. Go to the Cartoon Tracts page of this website to download it as well as about 85 other tracts. Better yet, create your own tract of your unique gospel story. It doesn’t have to look like mine. Be creative! You can do it!